O que significa Phantom Abyss Speedrun?

O que significa Phantom Abyss Speedrun?

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’ asynchronous multiplayer encourages you to cooperate with others and make discoveries. Dying in a temple results in temporarily losing your equipped whip and any treasure accumulated during the run, but they can be salvaged. Failure is not an endpoint, as you receive a code other players can activate to attempt ‘rescuing’ your phantom by claiming the temple’s relic.

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Jon Bitner Whether you're seeking another strategy game or bombastic Marvel adventure, something is bound to catch your eye.

Unlockable Whips – Unlock new whips with success and choose from your collection before venturing into your next run. Each whips carries a minor blessing but also a curse that may complicate your attempt at riches and glory.

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The secrets are highly satisfying to find, and when a guardian is dropping poison bombs or just relentlessly advancing that can feel like it's working against the necessary concentration or experimentation needed to reach them. A lot of the time it can feel easier to just dash on through, ignoring the intricate room design to reach the door to the next one, and Phantom Abyss Game the next and the next until finally reaching the exit. Every once in a while, though, Phantom Abyss manages to balance the speed and exploration, and that's when it's at its best.

The guardian cap at 5m/s. When it is the case, you can still outrun him in a straight line, so I guess you are running between 7 and 9m/s. Just don't assume you are okay, because he will be breathing on your neck the second you have to stop or take a turn.

The more difficult a relic is to obtain, the greater the reward – the final Legendary Relic of a temple allows you to claim the whole temple so that it’s gone forever.

thrives on kinetic energy and the brilliant interplay between the mobility the whip enables and your capacity to execute under pressure.

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Banishing Whip serves a similar function to Calm, but can be used in more situational circumstances. With this blessing, striking a Guardian with your whip will prevent them from spawning for thirty seconds. Use this time wisely!

The action-adventure parkour game has been in Early Access for over two years, with the developers slowly polishing up rough edges and adding new features in correspondence with community feedback.

Devolver Digital ha anunciado la disponibilidad do Phantom Abyss, un juego multijugador en primera persona qual nos reta a descifrar los misterios de templos repletos do trampas mortíferas y competir por tesoros emblemáticos.

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